Squished Squash Triplets

I didn't have anyone around today to take my 29 week picture, so I did the best I could in selfie mode.

This week, the babies are even more squished and about the size of a butternut squash. 

I'm carrying 9 pounds of baby in me! Because of this, the sonogram pictures are getting less and less and just not that great of a snapshot. 

Baby A: Livi
heart rate: 141
weight: 2 pounds, 12 ounces

Livi's weight might not be very accurate due to the fact that she was being very difficult to measure this morning. She has amazingly found a way to flip head down, despite the fact that she's the one with the least room in there. 

In the picture above, Livi is looking at the camera with her arm up over her head. The sonographer typed "It's real, Mom" because I joked about how "The struggle is real" with this pregnancy becoming increasingly harder, especially the past week. Livi looks like she is mirroring my attitude with her pose. 

Baby B: Beckett
heart rate: 153
weight: 3 pounds, 2 ounces

Beckett was stretched out and has also turned to the head-down position in the last week just like Livi has.

Baby C: Hank
heart rate: 146
weight: 3 pounds, 2 ounces

No pictures of Hank today :( Last week I knew that he had moved a lot by how I was feeling and sure enough, he had done a 180 flip. Well he did it again this week. He is now back in the position he was before, with his head on my right side.

So to sum it up, Baby A and B are both head down and Baby C is lying horizontally on top of both of them with his head up under my right ribs.

Triplet Momma:
During my office visit, we discussed this annoying cough I have due to allergies and asthma that just won't go away and my lack of sleep.

We also discussed that, starting next week, we will do a stress test weekly on the babies. With this test, they will monitor the babies' heart rates and see how my body is doing during the test. I'll be able to describe it better next week once it's done!

Triplet Dad:
When he isn't at work, Levi is working hard on projects around the house to get us ready to be a family of seven- mainly finishing the basement. He had an extra set of hands this weekend.

We are almost done! The flooring is going in this week. I can't wait to have my garage back that has been filled with stuff.

I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend! Until next week...


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