
Showing posts from September, 2015

My Four Excuses

I had an unexpected break from exercise. Why? I have four excuses. 1.  2. 3. 4.  After we watched some football yesterday, we decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather and take all of the kids for a walk. The triple decker is not made for walking long distances, but we still pushed out a mile with it. Even Livi was happy on the walk,                                          for a few minutes. In all seriousness though, the triplet life became too stressful for me to take time to focus on myself for a few weeks. Now that things seem to be a little better, I need to work on my fitness. My friend, Quadruplyblessed , who has triplets not much older than mine, wrote about her new fitness goals and inspired me to get back on the program. And with that, I completed the first day of the Couch to 5K program today. And this time, I have goals to (a) not quit, (b) run three times a week and (c) do a 5k in November.  I've eve

Busy Bees

The Gilmore squad has been busy! Aria started preschool last week. She's only going one day a week right now, but she loves it and has a blast! We have transitioned the boys out of our room at night and into their cribs. Livi lasted about 4 hours in a crib, so she is back in our room. We are working on it, but as of right now she won't have any of that. She didn't get the nickname Dragon for no reason, after all. We have managed to get all the kids out of the house two times in the past week. The first time was for Colbin's football game. All by myself, I loaded up all four little ones and got to the school to meet Levi and Grammy. I've been asked "How did you do that?" Well, I just strapped them in carseats and had to listen to them cry for a little bit.  Dragon Livi cried the whole way there, but once we arrived at our destination, everyone was happy happy happy. I think the babies and Aria thoroughly enjoyed the fresh ai

Labor Day Weekend

Happy Labor Day! As you can imagine, there isn't much to do on Labor Day when three of the seven family members are little babies so we are just relaxing at home with lots of food.  Speaking of food, I don't think I lost weight this week and I am in no mood to weigh myself and find out. Being a stay-at-home mom is highly rewarding, but also highly stressful when there are triplets in the mix.  Some days, the babies don't understand that when Aria is asleep, everyone needs to be asleep.  (Except Henry. He usually  understands this.)                                          Because of that stress, I ate like crap this week and didn't get the chance to exercise.  But, it is a new week and I will have a fresh start tomorrow.  On the bright side, football season has begun, and Grammy came over Saturday to help out. I was also feeling a little guilty that I didn't have much time for Aria this week, so I tried to

2 Month Update

Two month old triplets and life is good. Our 2 month check up went great this morning. (Again- thanks to my mom and mother-in-law for helping out!) Livi is the smallest of the triplets now.  She is small, but mighty, weighing in at 9 pounds, 5 ounces. She is gaining weight like a champ. She smiles and coos. This morning after her Grammy fed her, she saw me and her eyes followed me through the living room. She likes to try to stand up when I burp her. She is the loudest of the group when she cries. She is Livi, AKA Miss Livi, AKA Dragon. For actual age of 2 months, Livi is in the 14 percentile for weight. If we go by adjusted age , however, she would be in the fifty percentile. The doctor was happy with her progress. Livi had to live up to her nickname and cry the loudest and longest after today's shots. The boys cried a little, then went right to sleep.  Second in birth order, Beckett weighs the most at 11 pounds 8 ounces. He feels like a tank com