2 Month Update

Two month old triplets and life is good.

Our 2 month check up went great this morning. (Again- thanks to my mom and mother-in-law for helping out!)
Livi is the smallest of the triplets now. 

She is small, but mighty, weighing in at 9 pounds, 5 ounces. She is gaining weight like a champ. She smiles and coos. This morning after her Grammy fed her, she saw me and her eyes followed me through the living room. She likes to try to stand up when I burp her. She is the loudest of the group when she cries. She is Livi, AKA Miss Livi, AKA Dragon.

For actual age of 2 months, Livi is in the 14 percentile for weight. If we go by adjusted age, however, she would be in the fifty percentile. The doctor was happy with her progress.

Livi had to live up to her nickname and cry the loudest and longest after today's shots. The boys cried a little, then went right to sleep. 

Second in birth order, Beckett weighs the most at 11 pounds 8 ounces. He feels like a tank compared to his sister, Livi Mae.

The Beckster is a true middle child. (As a middle child myself, I would know.) He is easy going and doesn't mind when his sister and brother smack him on the head (as seen above.)  

In terms of adjust age, Becket would be in the 90 percentile for weight. Actual age of 2 months puts him in the 46 percentile. 

And our youngest, Henry- Hank the Tank, the Hankster- my Henry Monster, weighs in at 11 pounds, 6 ounces.

If we had to label him as a character in Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, he would hands down be Sleepy. He doesn't care much for waking up after bottles to play, although when he does he is a happy and content little guy.

We didn't get to see our regular pediatrician today, but that's ok because this doctor did a great job. I really liked that instead of asking the "Are they natural" question (yes, aren't all children natural???), she asked, "How far along were you when you found out you were having triplets?"

Ladies and gentlemen, this is a tactful way of asking someone how they conceived triplets if you must ask. Many parents of multiples find the "natural" question rude and too personal. Just FYI if you ever meet anyone else who is pregnant with more than one baby. :)

Have a good one!


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