A Triplet Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving from us baby triplets! It's a little late, but we are babies so we don't care. Our parents found out how difficult it is to travel for the day during Thanksgiving. After we took our portrait at home, we headed out to Nana and Papa's. Our big sister stayed busy making her list for Santa on the way there. We don't know why Mom thought being gone all day with 5 month old triplets was exhausting. We loved being held the entire day since we didn't have swings, bouncy seats, or cribs. We didn't sleep because sleeping in a Pack n Play is for the birds. We are just looking forward to the day when we can dance, play on the big swings, go Black Friday shopping, and write letters to Santa like our big sister. This seems to be what big people do on Thanksgiving. It also seems that Thanksgiving can sometimes happen twice in one year when we got to join Aria at her school's Thanksgiving feast! We lea...