Omaha Road Trippin'

Good morning, folks.

It's been a while since Gilmore Party of Seven has taken a real vacation. The last time we journeyed out beyond Missouri was June of 2014, right before we got pregnant with the triplets. We went to Mexico -just the two of us - and also to the Niobrara River as a family for a family reunion.

We decided to pony-up and head out for a weekend in Omaha, Nebraska.

A weekend trip was just the right amount of time for a get-away with several kids under the age of one plus two.

We tried to keep thei kids up past their regularly scheduled nap time so they would sleep a whole bunch on the three and a half hour car ride. It kind of worked.

We also have plenty of DVDs for the kiddos to watch. Rear-facing, however, is the safest for toddlers. Therefor, we got creative and put an iPad in a DVD holder for the car so the triplets could watch a movie too.

Once we hit Nebraska City, it was just about dinner time. We stopped to stretch and feed everyone.

We finally got to the hotel to check-in and unpack. Playing in the curtains of our room and running around exploring kept the triplets pretty entertained, but I also brought out toys the kids haven't played with in a while.

That didn't stop us from going shopping for some new toys as well.

Keeping the kids up too much past their regular schedule made for an unpleasant bedtime.


We hit the Omaha Zoo as soon as it opened at 9 AM. (If you're Friends of the Zoo in KC, you will get a discount of half-off!)

My favorite part about this zoo was the lions exhibit.

Just gorgeous.

A close runner-up was the aquarium. Sharks, sting rays and eels, oh my.

The aquarium is also the perfect place to stop and catch-up with a fellow triplet mom. (think: AC)

Aria would have loved the aquarium just as much too, except she couldn't stay awake in the middle of the day for it.

She said her favorite part was the elephants. The exhibit was fabulous, with elephants outdoors and indoors. Every time the zoo train road by, the outdoor elephants would run towards it.

It was so cute to see them come running, with their big ears flapping and trunks rising up and down. (I tried to get their picture, but I was too slow. Here are some more train pics instead.)

Grammy and Livi

Always take a Grammy with you on trips with triplets :)

Beckett and his chubby toes

The seven of us actually made it through the entire day at the zoo, only because we had both the triplet wagon and the double stroller to allow for naps.

After that exhausting day, a delicious dinner at the Harrah's buffet with good dessert,

it was an early bedtime for kids and parents.


The morning of free.

Free: National Park.

(Uncle Bob joined us Sunday too!)
  Free: walking the state line on the Bob Kerrey pedestrian bridge.

 Free: Old Market slides

I highly recommend Spaghetti Works in the Old Market for lunch if you have a large family. There was plenty of room, great food and great service.

PB&J Pizza
I was ecstatic to go through the Children's Museum after hearing so many good things about it, but it doesn't open until 1 PM on Sundays. By that time, the triplets couldn't keep their eyes open any longer. We wanted them to sleep the whole way home, so it was time to leave.

Maybe next time.




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