Well Done, Good and Faithful Servant

Hi there.


Sad news around here this week: Levi's paternal grandfather passed. About three weeks ago had been diagnosed with  multiple myeloma, a cancer of the plasma. This cancer makes holes in your bones and a calcium build up in urine, which causes the kidneys to shut down. Like all cancers, it totally sucks.

This picture is not how we will remember Grandpa, but we were fortunate enough to have been able to say goodbye to him before he went home.

The funeral was a beautiful service with people telling stories about Grandpa, all of which were about what a prankster he was and how kind, outgoing and and full of life he chose to be. Not only that, but Grandpa's faith grew stronger the older he grew. So much that we know when he went to heaven, Jesus told him,

"Well done, good and faithful servant." (Matthew 25:23)

Thanks to everyone who has been praying for us.

And thanks to Levi's union group for sending the beautiful plant.

Levi and his brothers were very close to Grandpa Gilmore, so needless to say, many tears have been shed for him. And what do Baptists do in a time of mourning? Food.

Lots of food.

And more food.

(photo bombed)
Then eat some more.


Of course, just being with family and telling stories together helps the grieving process too.

While spending time with family after Grandpa Gilmore passed, we got to walk the halls of the middle school Levi attended,

which is also where his stepmom teaches.

 After all the years of hearing about Levi's undefeated football team and their signed team ball still in the trophy case, I finally got to see it for myself in all its glory.

He would then move on to high school life and eventually be voted "Most Likely to Be Remembered". Ah, the Glory Days.

Speaking of Glory Days, the kids and I are still getting out and about together whenever we can to make the most of our days, especially with the help of Mimi and play dates.

From Chick-Fil-A,

to Sam's Club,

to trips to the zoo,

it's never a dull moment around here.

Thanks for the gifts, Mimi.

Zoo play date!

"Rule all the playgrounds!"
I have to admit, I was worried about how I would feel about not teaching once everyone started school this fall, but I truly am happy with my choice. I really struggled last fall with seeing everyone going back to school and back to teaching, but I was dealing with a lot (obviously) and now that my hormones are under control and my bout of postpartum depression has disappeared, I feel as though I was put on this earth to be a mom of triplets plus.

If you have grandparents still living, take the time to call them and tell them how much you love them. I lost both sets of grandparents in my early twenties and I still think about them frequently and wish I could talk to them.


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