2 Week Check Up

Today was our first outing all by ourselves without help from Daddy, Grandma, or Aunt Yvonne. Aria did a great job and I think I did pretty well too.

Little Aria hasn't been gaining weight the way she is supposed to, so we've been having lots of doctor visits for weigh-ins.

After supplementing formula, she is finally gaining like she should and we had a great 2 week check up. We are back up to 7 pounds, 10 oz today!

Another milestone today was I decided to quit breastfeeding. I was having a difficult time producing enough milk and I have been stressed out and sad about it all of Aria's two weeks of living. Immediately, I felt free and back to myself. Levi can help me more with her this way too.

With my hands free for more than 20 minutes because Levi can help now, today was also the first time I got to cuddle with Gus since before Aria was born. 

While breastfeeding, I wanted nothing to do with Gus. I never thought that would happen, but I will admit- it did. Amazingly, the same day I quit breastfeeding is the same day I felt love for my dog again. 

A new discovery for Aria is the pacifier. She loves it! Mom and Dad love that it helps calm her down too.

I'm glad it's the weekend so Levi will be home to enjoy Aria just as much as I get to all day long. 


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