
Showing posts from June, 2015

Accomplishments of 34 Weeks

How was your weekend? Ours was busy, but we still had time to play. Sunday was our annual Freedom Celebration at church. Since I'm not playing in the orchestra, I got to sit back and enjoy watching for the first time in the 8 years I have been attending our fabulous church.  We've made it to  34 weeks   so far. That's an accomplishment in and of itself! I'm incredibly proud of these babies! As usual, the babies all got great reports today and passed their tests with flying colors. Baby A: Livi heart rate: 132 She was actually the first to pass her NST today instead of being last like usual. Baby B: Beckett heart rate: 137 Beckett was the sleepy one today. He needed the noise stimulation during the Non-Stress Test, but then woke him up and he passed. He is so squished that we couldn't get any pictures of him today. Baby C: Henry  heart rate: 152 As always, Henry is running around all over the place and the life of the part

Countdown: 18 days

How was everyone's weekend and Father's Day? We got to see lots of family, which completely wore out Aria and her triplet baby dolls. I also felt like celebrating because Levi got the basement all finished! This is officially Colbin's room. At 33 weeks , I'm still having check-ups with everyone telling me the four of us are doing so well! Before talking about the babies and showing off pictures, I would like to ask a favor of everyone: If you're planning on visiting us and doing a lot of baby holding the first couple of months after they come home, please get your Tdap vaccine . My doctor has been stressing the importance of this the last couple of weeks. She has suggested anyone holding the babies get this shot, not just the parents, so we are following her suggestion, especially since the triplets will be preemies and not fully developed.  The Tdap vaccine will protect our babies against pertussis, also known as whooping cough, which is hi

I'm Still Pregnant

I'm running out of ways to begin my blog explaining how excited I am that the triplets are still baking and kicking some butt. I'm 32 weeks and the babies are still baking and kicking butt! Everyone who took care of me today at the doctor's office was so impressed with how the four of us are doing. The doctor asked if I am Super Woman and said she wondered if I could make it 37 weeks instead of 36. (She was joking, thank goodness!) She assured me that even if the babies come tomorrow, they will do great and we shouldn't worry about major complications or worse. We have three and a half more weeks until the cesarean!  During our twenty minute Non-Stress Test, all babies passed right at the beginning. This was much easier than last week.  We only got a few pictures today, but check out these weights! According to , the average baby weighs about 3 3/4 pounds at this point.  Baby A: heart rate: 132 weight 4 pounds, 8 ounces f

31- ow- Weeks

Holy cow. I'm 31 weeks and 3 days. Holy cow. I repeat: holy cow. #Imhuge  #holycow I hit my wall. All of the sudden I am huge and I still have almost five weeks to go. How can my stomach stretch any more than this? And I think my body is falling apart. Because of that, this happened today: My mom, who has pretty much been attached to my hip lately, helped me get some groceries for the week. She suggested the motorized scooter since every step I take hurts due to some pulled muscles. It worked out great, but I felt judgy eyes upon me as we moved throughout the store. I just wanted to wear a sign, "I'm pregnant with triplets with a strained back, hiney and knee. Don't judge me." Or maybe I was just being paranoid. No matter how much I whine, I still want the babies to stay in the oven until July 10. More time in my belly = less time in the NICU. I also learned a hard lesson today: It is never OK to skimp on your water intake while 31 weeks pregna

The Big 3-0

How was your weekend? This weekend, we had a diaper party. Shout-out to everyone who came to celebrate with us and thank you for helping us out! I added up the number of diapers that were gifted to us: 1,252! Thank you! On Friday, we made it to 30 weeks gestation! Each new week pregnant is a celebration when you're pregnant with multiples, especially 30 weeks and beyond! We gained a great deal of knowledge about the triplets at today's appointment.  First, today was our first NST at the doctor (non-stress test). This test measures each baby's heart rate to see how they respond to their own movements. It took two nurses to hold the monitors over the three babies, plus one more monitor to measure my contractions. (I only had a couple little contractions and that was probably due to the babies moving.) The babies' heart rates have to accelerate at this stage of gestation at least once in twenty minutes. All of the