Countdown: 18 days

How was everyone's weekend and Father's Day? We got to see lots of family, which completely wore out Aria and her triplet baby dolls.

I also felt like celebrating because Levi got the basement all finished! This is officially Colbin's room.

At 33 weeks, I'm still having check-ups with everyone telling me the four of us are doing so well!

Before talking about the babies and showing off pictures, I would like to ask a favor of everyone:

If you're planning on visiting us and doing a lot of baby holding the first couple of months after they come home, please get your Tdap vaccine. My doctor has been stressing the importance of this the last couple of weeks. She has suggested anyone holding the babies get this shot, not just the parents, so we are following her suggestion, especially since the triplets will be preemies and not fully developed. 

The Tdap vaccine will protect our babies against pertussis, also known as whooping cough, which is highly contagious and can be deadly to babies. Adults are the most common source of this illness and many times people have it and don't even know it. 

I would rather everyone think I am overprotective and a little crazy than regret not protecting the babies. 

You can get the Tdap at CVS, Target or your doctor's office. It needs to be done about two weeks  before baby holding, so this week is a great time to get to CVS! Thank you for understanding!

Now for more pictures!

Baby A (Livi):
heart rate: 134
position: bottom down

She passed her Non-Stress Test, but not without the sound stimulation again. I think she will be like Aria in many ways: laid back, loves her sleep, and goes with the flow.


leg all stretched out

Baby B (Beckett):
heart rate: 121
position: transverse (head on my right, feet on my left)

leg and foot

fist (I think)

Baby C (Henry):
heart rate: 123
position: transverse- same as Beckett.

We managed to estimate weights again today, even though we did a full scan last week. Beckett is the only one who has pushed past the 5 pound mark in the last week. The other two are so close to five pounds! Not only does he weigh the most, he is also the longest in length. 

He has found a permanent spot just under my right rib cage. In the past, he would move in and out from that nook, but now I think he's there to stay. 

Henry was bouncing all over the place during the test. I think he will be the "ring leader" of the group.

face- lower left. Foot in front of his face.

Their heart rates were a faster today than usual, but still in the normal range. I'm not sure if it's related at all to my blood pressure being a higher than usual (still normal though) or if that's just a coincidence. The nurses and doctors are happy with how we are progressing. On top of that, they are impressed that I can still drive.

Being tall is a blessing when carrying three babies!

Before leaving, I toured the Labor and Delivery area and the NICU. If we make it to July 10, it's highly unlikely all three babies will be in the NICU. Although I am glad to be told that, I'm trying to prepare myself this still happening just in case. 

To-Do List:
  • move basement and the rest of Colbin's stuff inside from the garage
  • organize Aria's toys in the living room to make room for swings, bouncers, Rock n Plays, etc.
  • hang blinds in triplet room
  • hang new blinds in Aria's room
  • get out the rest of the "Baby Stuff" tubs and wash everything
  • make freezer meals (Nope, still haven't gotten to this. Hopefully tomorrow!)
  • get a diaper bag ready (I don't like anything. Nothing seems big enough for the four little ones!)
  • install the car seats
Poor Levi, this is more of his honey-do list than it is my to-do list. I'm so glad he's a good sport and a hard worker.

And finally, my mother-in-law waiting on my new blog post makes me happy:

Have a good one!


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