31- ow- Weeks

Holy cow. I'm 31 weeks and 3 days. Holy cow. I repeat: holy cow.

#Imhuge  #holycow

I hit my wall. All of the sudden I am huge and I still have almost five weeks to go. How can my stomach stretch any more than this? And I think my body is falling apart. Because of that, this happened today:

My mom, who has pretty much been attached to my hip lately, helped me get some groceries for the week. She suggested the motorized scooter since every step I take hurts due to some pulled muscles. It worked out great, but I felt judgy eyes upon me as we moved throughout the store. I just wanted to wear a sign,

"I'm pregnant with triplets with a strained back, hiney and knee. Don't judge me."

Or maybe I was just being paranoid.

No matter how much I whine, I still want the babies to stay in the oven until July 10. More time in my belly = less time in the NICU.

I also learned a hard lesson today: It is never OK to skimp on your water intake while 31 weeks pregnant with triplets in the summer. When I left the doctor's office, I felt a little crampy. On the long drive home, it wasn't letting up and I knew these were contractions. I stopped at a gas station, chugged 32 ounces of water, refilled and chugged another glass of water. I was about to turn around to go back to the doctor it was so bad, but once I got home, I put my feet up and drank more water. That's when it finally stopped.

It scared me enough to teach me a lesson: have a jug of water to my lips at all times.

Now for the part that everyone cares about~ the baby check-up!

Doctor appointment, part I: NST test

If you remember from last week, this test also monitors me for contractions. Since I could tell I was having contractions, I got the drink-more-water lecture after I admitted I had only had one glass so far at 9:30 am. I took this more seriously when the contractions intensified on my way home.

The boys did great right away with heart acceleration. Livi's heart didn't accelerate right away, so the nurse had to use a noise machine to get Livi's attention at the end of the 20 minutes of testing. This little tool looks like a little wand and when you push the button, it makes an alarm-type noise. She put it against my belly and when they heard the noise, all three babies kicked so hard I'm surprised they stayed inside!

This definitely got Livi's attention and she passed the test. It was pretty funny getting kicked that hard by all three and like my mother-in-law said, at least we know they can all hear.

(Disclaimer: The nurse assured me it didn't hurt the babies in anyway and to not leave the office calling her the evil cow-prodder.)

Doctor appointment, part II: the Limited Sonogram

Baby A: 
heart rate: 139

Livi's position is bottom-down today.

She's looking straight at you. Can you see it?

And here's her arm over her face again:

Baby B: 
heart rate: 145

He's sucking on his fingers.

Baby C:
heart rate: 144


flexing his arm muscles. "Check out these guns."

The nurse asked me today if I wanted pictures even though the babies were pretty squished. I said "I have to have pictures for my blog!" I think we still got some good ones. We even got a group head shot:

The babies are lovin' life.

I got to end the day with celebrating my hubby's birthday and his new clean-shaven face. At least, I think that's my husband. It's hard to tell because I have only seen him once without facial hair.

Happy birthday to the best daddy ever!

Until next week, here's to the babies keepin' on cookin' on.


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