The Big 3-0

How was your weekend?

This weekend, we had a diaper party. Shout-out to everyone who came to celebrate with us and thank you for helping us out!

I added up the number of diapers that were gifted to us: 1,252! Thank you!

On Friday, we made it to 30 weeks gestation!

Each new week pregnant is a celebration when you're pregnant with multiples, especially 30 weeks and beyond!

We gained a great deal of knowledge about the triplets at today's appointment. 

First, today was our first NST at the doctor (non-stress test). This test measures each baby's heart rate to see how they respond to their own movements. It took two nurses to hold the monitors over the three babies, plus one more monitor to measure my contractions. (I only had a couple little contractions and that was probably due to the babies moving.)

The babies' heart rates have to accelerate at this stage of gestation at least once in twenty minutes. All of the triplets did this within the first five minutes, which is stupendous! The nurses said they still have to be monitored for twenty minutes regardless. 

Baby A: right on target for her age with movement and heart acceleration. 

Baby B and C: measured about 4 weeks ahead with movement and acceleration. Over-achievers!

Next was our limited sonogram to check fluids, cord doppler and heart rates again. 

Baby A: 
heart rate: 141

Livi has, once again, flipped in the last week. No one understands how she finds the room to do this so much being the lowest kid in the womb. She is now breech. 

Baby B:
heart rate: 132

Baby C: 
heart rate: 131

Henry has the most room, being the kid on the top, so he is always in a different position.

To end our appointment today, we visited with our nurse practitioner and schedule our c-section date! They will be taking the babies July 10 when I reach 36 weeks. Hopefully the babies agree with this plan and keep cooking that long!

I am ecstatic to get this on my calendar and am so excited to meet our babies! I am still trying to get "stuff" organized in the nursery. Things keep popping up that need to be washed and put away. For example, I got two more car seat canopies for the boys and Livi will use the one Aria has.

Less than 6 weeks to go now. Grow, babies grow!


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