3 Months: Changing It Up

Three months! Three months! I can't believe they're 3 months already.

Three months of age has brought some change to the schedule.

It gives me a bit of anxiety changing it up, but this week we are trying something new. This includes sleeping 6 hours at a time at night- yessssss!

Our schedule- due to change at any time with any sign of a nervous breakdown:

0615 Aria wakes
0700 triplets wake
0730 triplet bottles
0800 sit upright to reduce the amount of spitting up
0830 tummy time
0900 nap time for triplets
1030 triplets wake up and play
1130 bottles
1200 story time with sitting up
1230 nap time for Aria and hopefully the triplets too (Some days one stays awake, then falls asleep and another one wakes up immediately after)
1430 everyone wakes.
1530 triplet bottles
1600 play, tummy time, mat time, swing rotation
1930 bottles, bed
0200 bottles

<watch baseball somewhere in between>


It seems like they are napping better with the 4 hour feed schedule. Hopefully this doesn't change.

Speaking of change, as someone who has had a career of teaching for 11 years, I am finding that being a stay at home mom is the hardest career change ever. It is the most difficult job I have ever had.  With the risk of sounding cliche, I will also say that it is the most rewarding job I could ever have too.

With that being said, here's what I love about 3 months...

1. The smiling and "talking back"  (i.e. cooing)

2. Story time- it feels like they are actually listening to me now.

3. More personality shining through.

Livi the eldest smiles and coos the most, yet she still has her "Dragon" nickname because she will go from smiling and laughing to screaming in .5 seconds for who knows what reason. She also sleeps the least amount. When she does sleep, she wants to be rocked on your chest first and must have a pacifier, which she will quickly spit out as soon as she's asleep.

Beckett is content and goes with the flow on pretty much anything. Play time, outings, etc. are all ok with him as long as he's fed and doesn't get the least bit too hot. He sleeps like an average baby, I would say. He also adores his binky.

Henry will sleep anywhere, any time and doesn't need anything special to fall asleep. He likes pacifiers for sleep, but will fall asleep without it if need be.

Both boys sleep great in cribs at night. I haven't tried cribs for nap time yet. That is on my to-do list for the next month.

Random Info:

Clothing size: 0-3 Months for Livi. The boys wear some 3-6 month size clothing, especially jammies.

Diaper size: Boys are size 2, Livi is size 1

Livi, Beckett and Henry are awake more during the day. This means more holding and play time. Generally, Aria is still fine with the babies, but sometimes she tells me to put a baby in their rocker while I am holding one if she wants more attention.

We try to find special activities for Aria as much as we can, even though this can be difficult at times. Last week she got to ride in the homecoming float. She had a blast!

I even got to watch the parade with the triplets. I couldn't do these things with her if it weren't for my mom helping us out.

Our next mission is to take on the zoo, but I think I may need one more pair of hands if we go during the week while Daddy is at work. Wish me luck!

And just for giggles:

Happy October, everyone!


  1. If you're not paying proper attention to your kid's diaper, you are ignoring a time bomb of the unbearable odor that can burst into your room. So, get one of the best diaper pails and ensure a secured place for the diapers. It's also a part of being a great mother.


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