21 Weeks

I'm 21 weeks , but didn't have the opportunity to do a belly photo, so let's just talk about the baby's pictures! Baby A: heart rate: 143 She put her hand in front of her face a few times. The sonographer said the babies have learned to do this because their siblings rub against each other's faces so much. Baby B: heart rate: 155 I'm far along enough now that we can measure each baby's placenta blood flow. While zooming in on Baby B's placenta, we got a random shot of his tiny ear, which is about 1.4 centimeters long. As the ornery baby will do, Baby B was sitting his butt down on his sister's head: Baby C: heart rate: 151 He was just hanging out, having a good time. The house preparation for triplets is coming along. We (and by "we" I mean Levi) has started moving Colbin downstairs to the basement today after Levi worked on finishing the basement all weekend. After hard work ...