
Showing posts from March, 2015

21 Weeks

I'm 21 weeks , but didn't have the opportunity to do a belly photo, so let's just talk about the baby's pictures! Baby A:  heart rate: 143 She put her hand in front of her face a few times. The sonographer said the babies have learned to do this because their siblings rub against each other's faces so much.  Baby B: heart rate: 155 I'm far along enough now that we can measure each baby's placenta blood flow. While zooming in on Baby B's placenta, we got a random shot of his tiny ear, which is about 1.4 centimeters long. As the ornery baby will do, Baby B was sitting his butt down on his sister's head: Baby C: heart rate: 151 He was just hanging out, having a good time.  The house preparation for triplets is coming along. We (and by "we" I mean Levi) has started moving Colbin downstairs to the basement today after Levi worked on finishing the basement all weekend. After hard work

"You're Growing Some Big Babies!"

We are at the 20 week mark! Today was another growth scan on the triplets. All babies looked great! Baby A: (As always, not the best pictures from baby girl.) Heart rate: 145 weight: 13 ounces Baby girl is measuring right on target!  Now for the boys... Once the sonographer informed us Baby A is right on track with growth, she proceeded to study the boys and then commented, "Wow, you're growing some big babies!" Both boys are measuring an entire week ahead! This is fabulous news.  Baby B: Heart rate: 138 weight: 15 ounces I have labeled this baby as the ornery boy. Anytime I bend over, he kicks back and kicks back hard.  "Quit squishing me mom!" The sonographer said he is right under my ribs, so this is probably why he doesn't like me bending over. Baby C:  Heart rate: 153 weight: 15 ounces You'll have to look closely at his picture, but Baby C was sucking away on his fingers. Adorable!


Happy Saint Patrick's Day! I went in to check on the babies this morning. Surprisingly, none of them were wearing any green.  Baby A: Her brothers always have to photo bomb pictures of Baby A. She better get used to that. Her heart rate was nice and normal: 138. She was pretty active during the sonogram- kicking, pushing, twirling. Baby B: Heart rate of 153 Again, all the amniotic fluid was at normal levels for both babies. No sign of TTTS! Baby B was funny. His mouth was moving like he was eating a great steak dinner. He always gives us the cutest profile pictures. He also wanted to tell everyone hi! Baby C: Heart rate of 149 My favorite picture of the day, hands down: All three of the baby's heads in one shot. I already have a sense of gushing love for these three. Me:  Feeling:  Overall, I feel great. My ankles look pretty scary, I have restless leg syndrome in the evenings and I can get the craziest round

Triplets: Throw Your Hands In the Air!

I'm already 18 weeks  and halfway there! According to, the babies should be "almost 7 ounces". If you recall last week's post, baby girl was already 7 ounces and the boys were already 8 ounces. This makes me happy. Our appointment today was probably the quickest one we've had yet. Each baby's amniotic fluid is nice and normal. Yay! Baby girl A (heart rate of 148) was having fun just jumping up and down. We never get very clear pictures of baby girl because she's on the bottom squished by her brothers. Baby twin B (heart rate 132) was showing off his strong legs and kicks. Such a cute button nose! Finally, Baby C (heart rate 153) looked like he was having a party. "Throw your hands in the air and wave them like you just don't care!" He looked just like Aria does when she is throwing her hands up to dance, or when she's just plain excited. Exhibit A, B and C: This girl just lik

Triplets and Thankful Thursday

We have a lot to be thankful for. 1. I'm thankful for the amount of people who will pray for us, the babies and our specific prayer requests. Your prayers worked! I visited the doctor today to check up on the babies for the possible Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS). The amniotic fluid looked much better today! Baby C was the boy with the problem that made the doctor think TTTS was a possibility, but today everything looked better. That's what prayer does.  2. Praise God that with lots of prayers, Baby C's amniotic fluid got better.  3. I am thankful that everything else with the check-ups and the other babies look perfectly healthy. (Sonogram pictures were pretty blurry today.) 4. I am thankful Aria is such a beautiful, laid back, fun little girl.  5. I'm thankful for my great students whose parents sometimes bring me neat gifts like these fingerless gloves.  6. We are thankful for rental vehicles that are covered

A Snowy Triplet Update

Have you enjoyed the snow? I'm glad we finally got to take the kids sledding this weekend, that's for sure! Grammy bought Colbin this sled for Christmas a couple years ago. We reminded Grammy that we are going to need four more sleds! Sledding on a snowy day and baking on a snowy day seem to go hand in hand. Colbin wanted to help me bake cookies. I love baking, but I'm not big on sweets during this pregnancy. I believe it's due to me carrying two boys. :) Now on to those triplets... I'm now 17 weeks pregnant and feeling great!  Our appointment today took all morning. We had a very detailed sonogram that took about an hour and a half. They measured everything you could think of measuring: head, heart, brain, feet, hands, bladder- you name it. It was measured. Baby A (the girl)~ heartbeat: 158 weight: 7 ounces Everything on target! Baby B (one of the boy twins):  heartbeat: 142 weight: 8 ounces We got to see several shots of cu