Triplets and Thankful Thursday

We have a lot to be thankful for.

1. I'm thankful for the amount of people who will pray for us, the babies and our specific prayer requests. Your prayers worked!

I visited the doctor today to check up on the babies for the possible Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS). The amniotic fluid looked much better today! Baby C was the boy with the problem that made the doctor think TTTS was a possibility, but today everything looked better.

That's what prayer does. 

2. Praise God that with lots of prayers, Baby C's amniotic fluid got better. 

3. I am thankful that everything else with the check-ups and the other babies look perfectly healthy.

(Sonogram pictures were pretty blurry today.)

4. I am thankful Aria is such a beautiful, laid back, fun little girl. 

5. I'm thankful for my great students whose parents sometimes bring me neat gifts like these fingerless gloves. 

6. We are thankful for rental vehicles that are covered under warranty when your other vehicle needs to be in the shop.

7. We are thankful for stickers.

8. We are thankful for grandparents and that Mimi made it home safe from South Carolina. 

Yes, that's a ginormous chip!

Have a great weekend!


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