"You're Growing Some Big Babies!"

We are at the 20 week mark!

Today was another growth scan on the triplets. All babies looked great!

Baby A:

(As always, not the best pictures from baby girl.)
Heart rate: 145

weight: 13 ounces

Baby girl is measuring right on target! 

Now for the boys...

Once the sonographer informed us Baby A is right on track with growth, she proceeded to study the boys and then commented, "Wow, you're growing some big babies!"

Both boys are measuring an entire week ahead! This is fabulous news. 

Baby B:

Heart rate: 138

weight: 15 ounces

I have labeled this baby as the ornery boy. Anytime I bend over, he kicks back and kicks back hard. "Quit squishing me mom!"

The sonographer said he is right under my ribs, so this is probably why he doesn't like me bending over.

Baby C: 

Heart rate: 153

weight: 15 ounces

You'll have to look closely at his picture, but Baby C was sucking away on his fingers. Adorable!

In case you didn't read about a singleton at 20 weeks linked above, Babycenter.com says at this point a baby is weighs about 10.5 ounces. I would say the triplets are definitely ahead of that!

During the exam, we also checked the amniotic fluid like we do every week. The nurse was again a little concerned about Baby C's fluid. She checked with the doctor to see if I need to come in more often than once week because of this. He said no need since the babies' growth is so awesome and their bladders and stomachs are perfect. (Insert clapping and cheering here.)


A trip to Walmart will make me want a 3 hour nap.

I'm having some issues with my feet. Some days the pain is debilitating and I can't function. On days when my feet aren't hurting, I feel pretty good besides not having much energy. The housework only gets done in little spurts due to carrying three babies and also having a toddler. This is all to be expected.

I have been using my new body pillow every night. So glad my friend who has twins told me to invest in lots of pillows! It's the only way to get comfortable at night.

Side note: Someone please tie my shoes for me.

Daddy is such a hard worker! On his days off, he is busy finishing our basement to make room for a nursery. He also helps around the house more than I could ever dreamed of a man doing on days when I can't get around very well and even days when I do get around well.

Ask her where the babies are and she pats my belly. She is still practicing with her triplet babies and makes sure they get their bottles and diapers changed.

I can't believe how fast this pregnancy is going. They'll be here before we know it!

Have a great week!


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