21 Weeks

I'm 21 weeks, but didn't have the opportunity to do a belly photo, so let's just talk about the baby's pictures!

Baby A: 
heart rate: 143

She put her hand in front of her face a few times. The sonographer said the babies have learned to do this because their siblings rub against each other's faces so much. 

Baby B:
heart rate: 155

I'm far along enough now that we can measure each baby's placenta blood flow. While zooming in on Baby B's placenta, we got a random shot of his tiny ear, which is about 1.4 centimeters long.

As the ornery baby will do, Baby B was sitting his butt down on his sister's head:

Baby C:
heart rate: 151

He was just hanging out, having a good time. 

The house preparation for triplets is coming along. We (and by "we" I mean Levi) has started moving Colbin downstairs to the basement today after Levi worked on finishing the basement all weekend.

After hard work and dinner, it's time for family play time.

It's 8:15 now. Aria is in bed and I am ready for slumber myself.

Nighty night, ya'll!


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