7 Weeks Postpartum

I am now 7 week postpartum.

Although the babes are only 7 weeks, I am trying to get them on a routine, besides just the daily grind of eating every 3 hours.

After their 8 am feed, when the three of them are at one of their most demanding times of the day, I try to keep them awake for as long as possible so they all sleep well when it's time for Aria's nap.

That alone is the only time of day where I know all three will stay awake at the same time.

Another big challenge each day is keeping Aria entertained. We started a "Mommy and Me" dance class a couple of weeks ago and she absolutely loves it.

It's  a great break from being home and it gives us something to do together.

My biggest challenge of all is my weight. I haven't done much of anything yet to start the process of losing 35 pounds except for going on a few walks. I'm trying to ease back into running without over-doing it.

Here is my weight-loss action plan:

1. Use the "My Fitness Pal" app to track calories, water intake, exercise and weight.

Leave no bite of food undocumented! If anyone has any great snacks and/or recipes that are easy to track, please let me know!

2. Water, water, water.

I need to up the amount I drink, fo sho.

3. Begin the Couch-to-5k program.

Several years ago I became a more serious runner thanks to following the steps of C25k. Since I've been out of commission with running, I need to start from the beginning, "workout 1" and work my way up again.

If you're interested in starting an exercise program, this is a great way to get in shape and become a runner!

I have taken a "before" picture of myself, but no way am I posting that yet. Hopefully in the near future I will have a rockin' "after" picture to go with it.

Anyone want to join me on this journey?


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