A Triplet Schedule

How is it possible my babies are already one month old???

I remember our fertility doctor telling us it would take a few months to get a routine down. All I pictured was chaos until then. Luckily, it's not like that. The blessing of the NICU was that they got the triplets on a wonderful schedule that makes it manageable for one person alone to handle. 

Here is what my day looks like in a nutshell:
3:45 AM: wake and make bottles
4:00-5:30: one at a time, change diapers and feed bottles
5:30-7:30: Aria wakes up (I have tried everything and can't get her to sleep later. She's a morning person like her mom.) Breakfast, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, cuddling on the couch. Lots of coffee. 
8:00-9:30: change and feed
10:00: With whatever babies are awake, we will do tummy time and story time. Aria loves this!
10:30: prep lunch
11:00-12:30 juggle feeding Aria lunch and feeding the babies
12:30: nap time. This is usually just for Aria, as at least one of the babies will be awake making noises. I've tried to sleep through it, hoping all three babies would sleep as well, but I'm a light sleeper so most of the time it doesn't happen. 
2:00-3:30 bottle/diaper changes
3:30: tummy time, music time
4:00-ish: Levi gets home. Yay!
5:00: bottle and dinner time

For night time, we started trying out a 4-hour stretch at night instead of 3 hours. The first couple of nights weren't working very well, but last night was better. We fed all three a little more at 8 pm and midnight. That seemed to do the trick. So far, I go to bed at 9 pm while Levi finishes the feedings and does the midnight feed. Sleeping from 9pm-3:45 am has been much better, but we will probably switch back and forth. 

Honestly, the hardest part of having triplets is having triplets plus a 2 year old. Aria is a very laid-back toddler, but it is still a challenge meeting her needs and giving her the individual attention she needs while caring for 3 babies.

She's adjusting very well, though and always wants to help and giggle at the babies.

It's amazing how early we see personality differences in each baby. 

Livi is a true leader. She is awake more than the boys and is in the lead with her ability to lift her head and look back and forth during tummy time. 

Beckett isn't awake as much as Livi, but my prediction is he will probably be an outgoing person. 

Henry sleeps the day away. He doesn't get as much belly time for this reason. I think he might be the more introverted kid of the bunch. 

More than 4 weeks after their birthday, I am doing well. My c-section scar looks much better than I thought it would at this point. As far as the surgery went, I do think my preferred method of baby delivering would be a c-section. You get much better drugs for the pain and I felt back to normal quicker than my vaginal delivery. Granted, Aria didn't make it easy on me with that delivery and I had about 10 minutes of the doctor stitching me up after birth. Some people make it out a little easier. (By the way, we had 21 other people in the delivery room during my c-section. Each baby had its own little team of medical staff on top of a team for me!)

I am anxiously awaiting the day that I get the ok from my doctor to start exercising and learn how to run again. I'm not working on it now, but it will be time to start losing baby weight once the exercise begins. I lost 30 pounds after just giving birth, but I still have 40 pounds I would like to lose on top of that. 

Thanks to my mom for coming over today to hang out with us. Aria loves all the one-on-one attention she gets from Mimi. Now that she's gone, it's time yet again for me to start diaper changes and bottles. 

Have a great evening!


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