Graduation Day

The triplets are 6 weeks old and I'm learning every day how to be a better triplet mom.

It's not easy, but I try to feel victorious with small accomplishments every day. It can be anything from feeding all 3 babies at once...

to learning how to wear a baby,

or getting myself out the door to start running again.

There were two small victories for August 14, 2015.


Victory #1: Our newborn pictures are complete!

If you ever need a fabulous newborn photographer, I highly recommend Janean Gray Photography! She took her time, had wonderful props and was an artist when it came to posing the babies.

My favorite picture only has two of my children in it, but it absolutely melts my heart:

brother love
How do I chose which to frame,

which to print onto a canvas,

which to put on birth announcements,
and which to just put in photo albums?

Someone please help! :)

Reason #2 I jumped for joy today: the triplets have officially graduated from NICU care!

This means no more apnea monitors for the boys. Our lives just got a whole lot easier! I can now hold them and move around the house because we aren't restricted by monitor cords. We don't have to turn monitors off and unplug them in the middle of the night when it's time for diaper changes and bottles. No more loud beeping waking each other up when being turned back on. 

Our doctor told us to keep the print-out of the information the monitor to provided. She said it shows that we are perfect parents by how well we stuck to the rules of when to have the monitors on and off of the boys. I giggled.

Since Livi didn't require a monitor to come home from the NICU, it was just the boys at the doctor today, which made transportation much easier!

I'm thankful for my helpful moms. Mimi stayed home with Livi and Aria while Grammy came with me to help.

Beckett has already reached 9 pounds, 2 ounces!

Henry is 9 pounds, 1 ounce.

Livi isn't as big as the boys. I am guessing she's in the 7 pound range.

We are truly blessed with their great progress!

And now I begin my favorite time of the week~ the weekend with my hubby and children. Have a good one!


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