Mandatory Monday

There are numerous things that are mandatory to have in a triplet +  house:

a supportive husband

I could have titled this blog "Man Crush Monday" because I could go on and on about how amazingly helpful this man is.  Having a hands-on husband is the only way to survive having triplets plus other kids. He will take over and so I can go do activities that help keep me sane after being stuck in the house all week seeing only babies and this:

This leads me to mandatory #2~ exercise.

I don't have as much time as I would like to get out and run/walk, but any chance I get, I take it.

Usually Aria sees me getting on my running shoes then runs to get her own shoes to go with me.

I would like to say running has helped me lose 1.4 pounds this week, but that has been just good ol' fashioned calorie counting.

On my "day off" while Levi was home yesterday, I shopped a consignment sale. I found some great deals with it being "half-off" day and even ran into a fellow triplet mom who I became friends with while I was pregnant with the trips.

Mandatory: making friends with other moms of multiples, especially triplet moms.

Swaddling blankets are a must, but only Livi truly needs it still. Without it, she absolutely will not sleep.

Speaking of Livi, last week I took her to the doctor because every time she drank a bottle she would act like she was in pain. I had a sneaky suspicion she had acid reflux, and unfortunately I was right.

We started her on medication, but I think simply thickening her formula did the trick. Although she is much better,

(pause to go clean up her post-bottle spit up)

she still has the nickname "Dragon" because she's our fussiest, neediest baby. If you wake the dragon, everyone else wakes up and gets upset.

Mandatory: grandparents

The best thing her grandparents can do to help is spend time with Aria. I'm so thankful she has them.

Other manadory things are simple items that I must have to survive. Such as

coffee in my favorite mug at 6 am,

a good swing, (which usually only lasts about 5 minutes if I'm lucky.)

Fisher Price Rock n Plays,

Boppy pillows,

play mats (note the fussy dragon),

bouncy chairs that will conveniently transition from baby use to toddler use, for when it's time for Aria and I to eat lunch,

and above all, a good attitude with a ability to be silly and laugh at ourselves. 

The triplets have their 2 month check-up this week, so I'll try to post soon after that appointment. Have a great day!


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