Very Hungry Caterpillars

This perfect weather is saving me during this pandemic.

Aria had my phone and decided to teach herself cinematography today. She discovered the slow-mo option on my iPhone and laughed and laughed as she recorded all of us playing on the swing set.

First Livi,

then the boys,

and even some pictures of me, which hardly ever happens.

After Aria mastered the filming, Livi decided to help her big sister master the rings since she already is doing flips front and back. First, show how it's done.

 Then, teamwork.


After "PE" outside, our science lesson arrived on our doorstep- a caterpillar kit!

We are excited to watch the very hungry caterpillars grow into beautiful butterflies. One more new thing we tried out today was tumbling class on Zoom.

It was a bit like herding cats to get them to pay attention to their teacher instead of trying to be silly on the camera or wander off to pet the dog, but I'm hoping the more we do class this way, the easier it will be week-to-week.

Has anyone else tried group chat on Facebook Messenger? I did one with one of my sisters and my mom tonight. It was so fun!  It's a great way to feel like you're all hanging out, especially with silly filters.

We had a great day today. I wasn't watching the clock all day, counting down the hours to the kids' bedtime because of fighting and whining and the constant, "Mom! Mom! Mom!'  I wish all the social distancing days could be like this, still having energy at the end of the day to record our time in a blog. 

How is everyone out there? Please let me know how I can be praying for you during this weird time in our lives. 

Goodnight ✌


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