Elf for Health

I follow a blog called Running with Racheal. She always has fabulous ideas on ways to improve life. Her latest kick is participating in the #Elf4Health holiday challenge. Well, I love a good challenge, so I am on board!

Here is the layout for the month:

No Meat Monday was pretty easy, since I don't care if I have meat in my meals or not on most days. We had meatless chili that day.

Yesterday was Unsubscribe Tuesday. There is a website called Unroll.me that helps you clean up your mailbox. Simply subscribe, then the website will look through your email and find the many different emails you receive every day, then you have the choice to roll them all into one simple email. For example, I get all kinds of emails from Kohl's, Old Navy, Gap, Victoria's Secret, etc. I like being made aware of all their sales, but it definitely does become sometimes overwhelming to get so many emails.

Now, all of these emails have been rolled into one daily email. Nice, huh?

Moving on to today, New Work Out Wednesday. OK, I didn't do this. I am behind in my mileage competition with Kim, so I went ahead and did 3.5 miles. When I was done, I saw this:

That's 100 miles in the last two months. I kinda like this running thing.

Before my run, I took Aria to my sister's house for her and my mom to watch her while I ran. I checked the mail before I left. We got two cards from friends about our loss of Gus.

The first one opened up the flood gates and I am sure you can see why...

"In heaven, the car windows are always rolled down."
Yes, I know Gus always has his car windows rolled down now. 

The other card reminded us that Gus now has his wings.

It's so hard to lose a friend.

In other happenings today, my family completely wore Aria out while we were there. She slept on the way home, while we were in Dollar General, then stayed asleep for quite a while after coming home.

Silly me thought I could start my Thanksgiving baking before Levi got home. I tried and didn't get too far. Once Levi got home, I got way more done.

Here's what I have so far.

Dessert #1 for Thanksgiving #1 (noon tomorrow).

I'm working on the green bean casserole for Thanksgiving #1 after I am done blogging.

Dessert for Thanksgiving #2 (around 3:00 tomorrow)

I used Reece's minis instead of mini cups. We'll see how much of a hit it turns out to be.

Finally, my favorite holiday fixin'. Apricot salad.

This is something my grandmother used to make every holiday. I am the family member that keeps that going.

Have a great Thanksgiving, everyone!


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