The Moments

Dear Gus,

I miss you so much it hurts

Your barking at the squirrels outside used to drive me crazy

Now I would give anything to hear your annoying bark again

I'm sorry that sometimes I took your presence, always by my side, for granted

Now those little moments are gone

The moments like

When I get ice from the freezer and you coming running, just hoping I will drop a piece for you

The moments like

When I drop a sock on the floor and you're there in a jiffy to pick it up for me

The moments like

When Aria throws a toy across the room and you're there to put your slobber on it

The moments like

Me getting up in the middle of the night with Aria and you're there in the hallway looking at me and telling me it's way too late at night for this nonsense

The moments like

When I get up on a Saturday morning and see you on the couch, even though you know you're not supposed to be there without your sheet

The moments like

Leaving the house and you staring and me waiting for me to either say, "Stay and be a good boy" or "Gussy, do you want to go bye bye?"

The moments like

You constantly putting your disgustingly-wet-with-slobber tennis ball at my feet, on the couch where I'm sitting, in your water bowl- anywhere you want just to get me to throw it one more time.

The moments like

When I'm in the laundry room and you stand there and wag your tail because you know that's where we store the tennis balls.

The moments like

You doing circles around the kitchen every morning because you know it's time to be fed.

The moments like

Your inability to sit down while I vacuumed the house

The moments like

Me worrying about your shaking, jingling your collar, would maybe wake the baby

The moments like

You being my pre-washer, as you always got to lick all the dinner plates before going in the dishwasher

The moments like

You knowing that me taking the trash bag out of the trash can means you get to go out front with me to put it in its place

The moments like

Cuddling with you on the couch

The moment when

I come home to be greeted by your happy face

You standing at the top of the stairs

Wagging your tail

Your whole behind shaking with excitement just because I'm home

No matter if it's been 5 minutes or 5 hours

Or hearing your paws gallop down the hallway because your excited for who-knows-what

Those memories are overcome with sad memories of the last days you were alive

No life left in you to do any of these things

My prayer is that God helps me forget the sad days and the way I remember my best friend at the end of his road on earth

And for only the happy memories of you to live on forever

In my heart, in my mind, in my writing, in my runs, in our home

You were a beautiful dog

So smart, full of life and full of energy

Always there for me on good days and bad

I will never forget you, my good and faithful friend.

Gus kept me warm last winter on a snow day when our power went out all day.


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