
Showing posts from February, 2014

Doin' Time

I was a worker bee this weekend. Our first accomplishment was imprisoning Aria in the living room. While this is convenient she has one less opening to wander off to, the main goal of this was so she couldn't reach the TV and pull it down on herself.  Parents of any small children need to visit this website  regarding the dangers of large furniture. I am a little ashamed of myself that we didn't do something about the TV earlier, but as soon as I noticed her fascination with standing near the TV, we took care of it. Friday night we visited my dad- at home and not at the hospital! Yessssss, go Dad. Don't you just love lazy Saturday mornings? They don't seem to happen too often, so we really need to soak in the relaxing things we get to do while we can. Things like drinking from my new favorite coffee mug, eating breakfast in the living room, and playing with lots of toys.                                                    Eventually

What's the Best That Could Happen?

Usually when I take a week off from blogging, my hands are full with many activities. This past week, though, has just been rough. I have been emotionally drained from empathy and sympathy for my friends. One friend of mine was about 38 weeks pregnant and gave birth to a stillborn. Heart.Ache. Ever since I heard this news, I get emotional from just looking at Aria the Miracle Baby. No one should ever have to bury a child. Another friend of mine just wrapped up their IVF. She had a positive pregnancy test after transferring two beautiful embryos, but her HCG (pregnancy hormones) level dropped, which is a sure sign that she will lose the pregnancy. More heart ache. Also on Monday, my dad went into the hospital due to congestive heart failure and leaky heart valves. He is better now. The doctors will do a stress test tomorrow, then shock the heart on Friday and Dad will probably be released after that. Very scary for our family, but it sounds like he has a plan to follow and he will

10 Month Dedication to Aria

I heard Trace Adkins' song, "Just Fishin'" on the radio today. It reminds me of Levi and our baby. I can just picture the two of them "just fishin'" together someday. Levi will be thinking about this precious time the two of them are sharing, while Aria will just be thinking, "Hey Daddy, I think I got a bite!" I am dedicating month 10 to Aria and her dad, the best dad in the world.      I'm lost in her there holding that pink rod and reel. She's doing almost everything but sitting still. Talking bout her ballet shoes and training wheels, and her kittens. And she thinks we're just fishin'. I say Daddy loves you baby one more time, she say's I know, I think I got a bite. An all this laughing, crying, smiling, dying here inside is what I call living An she thinks we're just fishing on the river side, throwing back what we could fry, drowning worms a