What's the Best That Could Happen?

Usually when I take a week off from blogging, my hands are full with many activities. This past week, though, has just been rough. I have been emotionally drained from empathy and sympathy for my friends.

One friend of mine was about 38 weeks pregnant and gave birth to a stillborn. Heart.Ache. Ever since I heard this news, I get emotional from just looking at Aria the Miracle Baby. No one should ever have to bury a child.

Another friend of mine just wrapped up their IVF. She had a positive pregnancy test after transferring two beautiful embryos, but her HCG (pregnancy hormones) level dropped, which is a sure sign that she will lose the pregnancy. More heart ache.

Also on Monday, my dad went into the hospital due to congestive heart failure and leaky heart valves. He is better now. The doctors will do a stress test tomorrow, then shock the heart on Friday and Dad will probably be released after that. Very scary for our family, but it sounds like he has a plan to follow and he will be just fine.

We visited him at the hospital last night. Mom said Aria lit up the room and made their day. Aria of course enjoyed the pretty machines around my dad.

Aria and I have the day off today. She has been so fussy, not sleeping as well as she usually does, and her babysitter noticed her tugging at her ears yesterday. I had a feeling it was just her teeth coming in, but I wanted to be sure. Thankfully, she doesn't have an ear infection and it is just those mean old teeth!

She still can be in a great mood with a little Ibuprofen.


After we visited my dad at the hospital, Aria was ready for dinner STAT. Ok, maybe it was me who couldn't wait for a cooked meal. We stopped at Chick-Fil-A. I realized how much more I love this place now that I have a baby.

The high chairs have fresh wet wipes in them plus kid place mats that stick to the tables. That's just one less thing for a family to worry about when going out to eat. Kudos to Chick-Fil-A!

I also missed out on blogging about Valentine's Day. We had a family night (not a romantic date night) filled with grandparents, great-grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. Oh and pizza with wine. And love too. But mostly pizza.

Have a great evening, everyone. Hug those you love a little tighter!

Today's #SheReadsTruth encouraging words:
“For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world – our faith. Who is it that overcomes the world except the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?” (1 John 5:4-5)
Our faith in Christ is not a golden ticket to wealth, health and happiness. It is the promise that life is about so much more. It is the foundation for an abundant life reconciled to God.


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