Why Do I Write About Our Fertility Challenges?

What's on TV all day long during the week? Even though I have cabin fever from snow days,

I wouldn't know the answer to this question because I have been Netflixing.

In case you haven't heard, "Netflixing", as UrbanDcitionary.com defines it is

1. The act of watching an entire season of a show in one season.
2. A total valid excuse for avoiding social obligations.
"Sorry I can't make it to the party tonight. I am netflixing."
I saw that someone on Facebook had started the show, "Hart of Dixie". Since it's not a show Levi would like (too "girly"), I started it on my snow days. I am now almost done with season 2 and I haven't turned it off since it began on my flatscreen.

Alas, our district has not canceled school tomorrow (yet) so I think my weeklong, non-stop Hart of Dixie watching is coming to an end, as well as my nonstop time with Aria.

The two of us have had some great bonding time.

While this beautiful little girl slept today,

I made those cookies that I have wanted all week, despite the fact that I know my treadmill is broken and I won't be doing any running outside.

Yesterday I decided I was going to be the one to shovel the driveway to get in my exercise, but Levi and our fabulous neighbors beat me to it.

I love this town.

With all this snow and frigid weather, I'm excited to have a doggie lying on my feet keeping them warm.

No, we haven't adopted a new dog. We are dog-sitting for a friend.

Aria thinks he is hilarious.

I think she might even be a little jealous of the attention the dog gets from Levi.

As far as how the IVF process is coming, I won't have anything to share for a couple of weeks. Right now we are working on getting my hormones to a low,  "baseline", which is the easy part.

Some people are surprised I chose to blog about IVF, especially being in a step-family where information sometimes isn't shared the way some of the adults want it to be shared. I discussed this with Levi. He knows how much I love writing and what a great outlet this will be for me during this process, so he encouraged me to write about it. We aren't afraid of what people think or what they will say about our journey when they read about it. We are happy and thrilled for the opportunity. It's a huge part of my life, so why would I not want to share it?

Infertility is a painful, private thing for many people. While it has definitely been painful for me before we had Aria- the -Miracle- Baby, I was never too private about it. Reading other people's experiences with infertility helped me get through so much pain and confusion that came with the endometriosis. If I can help someone else with my writing about our experiences, I want to do that.

I don't want this blog to be private. I'm not worried about who sees it and who doesn't. This blog is for me, my family, friends and since it's public, any other curious person who loves to read blogs, wants to know more about how we have handled being fertility challenged, or just wants to snoop. :) I love all these different kinds of people. They make the world go 'round.


  1. Thank you for sharing this and thank you for sharing all of your story. For others going through similar struggles it can be very encouraging to know that we are not alone. I also think it is brave of you to do because I know I would struggle to share some of these struggles. I am so thankful you share.

    Margie Day @ Reproductive Wellness


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