Winter Break, Part II

Wew, we are finally back to school today! I asked the kids if they all enjoyed their week of snow days, or "Winter Break, Part Two" as I called it and they were all thrilled to be back to school.

I'm not sure Aria was so ready to go back. She was pretty content being with Mommy all week. 

How do you cure a case of cabin fever? By taking the kids to Red Racks, of course.

Aria found herself some spiffy toys.

You can also cure some cabin fever by having Friday night play dates.

Aria loves people, especially other kids. They wore her out!

Thanks Candice and Linda!

The rest of the weekend was pretty low-key. 

When we met up with some family that was in town, I discovered that I love Mazzio's taco pizza. Heaven! Aria loves anything we feed her, but is still especially fond of ice cold water in her sippy cup.

The dog that we were watching was so happy when we decided to stay in Saturday night for family night and the Olympics.

The older Aria gets, the more hilarious she becomes. She loves to study Levi's every move. Levi commented on some amazing snowboarding by saying, "Wow!" Aria looked at the TV to see what was so incredible, the echoed him with "whoow". Then she had to look back at Daddy and say it again. 

Too much cuteness!

Speaking of amazing and Levi, my treadmill was breaking down and making a terrible noise that hurt my ears. Levi spent his Sunday afternoon working on it and now my exercise machine is fixed! I am so blessed to not only have a husband who can fix pretty much anything, but cares enough about what's important to me to spend his day working on something that only I use.

To show him how much I appreciate it, I busted out a good calorie burn tonight.

That's a great way to wind down at the end of the day!

Have a great Tuesday, friends!

"Let’s be women who yield to the Lord. Let’s allow Him to break our hearts and let His light pour out." #SheReadsTruth



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