Doin' Time

I was a worker bee this weekend. Our first accomplishment was imprisoning Aria in the living room. While this is convenient she has one less opening to wander off to, the main goal of this was so she couldn't reach the TV and pull it down on herself. 

Parents of any small children need to visit this website regarding the dangers of large furniture. I am a little ashamed of myself that we didn't do something about the TV earlier, but as soon as I noticed her fascination with standing near the TV, we took care of it.

Friday night we visited my dad- at home and not at the hospital! Yessssss, go Dad.

Don't you just love lazy Saturday mornings? They don't seem to happen too often, so we really need to soak in the relaxing things we get to do while we can.

Things like drinking from my new favorite coffee mug,

eating breakfast in the living room,

and playing with lots of toys.


Eventually, we did have to do something besides cuddle. After starting the laundry, I heard scary monsters in the dryer. OK- so I knew they weren't really scary monsters. The birds were nesting in our dryer vent. Luckily, it was an easy fix.

The weather was so nice Saturday, we took a walk to the park. Aria was fast asleep about 5 minutes into the walk.

She wouldn't even wake up when I took her out of her stroller to play.

 Sunday has not been as fun because Aria has come down with a cold. She was OK this morning during church. We thought her nose was runny because of her teething, but as the day went on, we realized this was not the case.

We stopped at my parents' for lunch,

but it didn't last long because she seemed so miserable.

She has pretty much been crying all day. Nothing has helped except for bath time.

Poor baby. Here's hoping she has a better day tomorrow.

Have a great week, all.


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