A Full Weekend and New Friends

We love a good weekend with good friends and family. 

Who doesn't enjoy the salon even more when you've been friends with your stylist for over ten years? Aria went with me and she was so good the entire hour we were there. 

Friday night Aunt Nana made us dinner. Levi and I have been "Clean eating" for about three weeks now, so she was sure to make something we would like.


We have never felt better by eating this way. I feel the healthiest I have ever been. The plan is to write a full review on clean eating in the near future.

Even Miss Aria likes it.

After dinner, Jillian shared her iPad. Aria didn't want to put it down.

I had to break it to her that she won't be getting an iPad anytime soon. I have read too many articles discussing the attention span (or lack there of) in children when they spend too much time playing with things like iPads. Children should be limited to two hours per day and children under the age of two shouldn't be on electronic devices at all.

A little technology from time to time is fine by me, though. Like anything else, there needs to be a good balance.

The rest of the weekend, we were busy planning A's birthday. We even let her pick out the cake she wants.

The weekend was finished up with Aria going to her first Mavericks game.

She loved it! So many lights and things to watch. Plus, there were plenty of people who were "ooohhh"'ing and "aaaawwww" 'ing over her.

I never get tired of hearing people everywhere we go say, "You have the most beautiful baby" and "My! Look at those gorgeous, big, blue eyes!"

Yeah, she's a keeper.

The rest of my family was at the game too so that we could support my niece's choir singing the national anthem.

(I love my seester.)


God is good.


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