Helmet Adjustments and Favorite Things

It's getting more and more difficult to find time to blog these days. The babies are officially out of their "sleepy baby" phase, which makes it more difficult and more fun all at the same time.

Livi and Henry have been in their helmets for about a week full time (23 hours a day). These two have adjusted well and don't mind the helmets one bit.

We were a bit nervous about how our nights would go, but the helmets haven't seemed to change their sleep patterns.

Yesterday morning was the first helmet check-up since wearing them full time. 

They only needed some minor adjustments. For example, the top part was cut back slightly to allow more air in so their heads won't get so sweaty. 

In other triplet news, the babies are showing more and more personality every day.


Beckett and his horse
They are also having daily conversations with each other, which usually consists of telling jokes and making each other laugh.
Livi and Henry's hour off from helmets
Livi is so close to completely sitting on her own.

Aria is not excluded from these bonds being made.


As for me, I've become a little obsessed with coconut oil, so much that Levi teases me by asking things like, "How can we use coconut oil to get the baby to stop crying?" Last night, I told him the oil is an anti- inflammatory and we could put it on their gums for teething. (Tiffany 1, Levi 0 in that joke). 

I use it in my hair, as lotion, as eye make up remover, on the babies' dry cheeks and I even made my own toothpaste with it.

 I found a cool app for making simple pictures look more unique. (Thanks, Kim, for posting about this in our Run JunkEees group.)

Beckett and his belly)
After the kids go to bed, I love winding down by looking through my Instagram account. A few of my favorites to follow are Shark Education,

Pete Souza (official photographer for the White House),

and The Dogist, who walks the streets of NYC and photographs the city's dogs.

Any ideas on other interesting people that I should follow?

Last, but certainly not least, of things I enjoy lately to take my brain away from Mommy Duty is reading through the Book of Ruth in the Bible right now with my friend Jessica. As Jessica has put it, reading through certain parts of the Bible at the same time with a friend and talking together about it helps makes studying the Word more fun and less of a "chore" feeling. 

Having a friend like Jessica is so important, just like it's stated in this article, because we have so much in common and above all, share the same rock-solid faith and makes me a better person. I am so grateful God shoved put her in my life several years ago. 

Have a blessed day!


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