New Years: The Un-Resolution Edition
Happy New Year!
2015 has been a superb year.
Have you set any resolutions for 2016?
I, personally, hate resolutions. It is usually something we do and are really great about it for a couple weeks. Then it's "finito" to that resolution.
Therefor, the year of 2016 will be the year of the un-resolutions for me.
1. I will not be giving up coffee. Like... at all.
I finally became a grown-up and started drinking coffee when the triplets were born and you know what? It's my favorite part of the day. So even though coffee dehydrates me, I will continue to drink it anyway.
2. I will not stop posting pictures of my miracle children.
If you're reading this blog, you will most likely be feeling good about this non-resolution. People who hate babies and life in general probably won't like it as much. <insert evil laugh>
3. I will not expect to ever have perfect family photos.
I think the above picture says it all.
4. I refuse to give up monthly date nights with my main-squeeze.
5. I won't be expressing my desire to limit my social media time.
Many days, the only adult interaction I get is via social media- mainly my fellow 2015 triplet mom group on Facebook. Besides, I have too much fun creating photo collages.
I could probably make this list a great deal longer, but I think you get the idea.
What's your Un-Resolution?
2015 has been a superb year.
Have you set any resolutions for 2016?
I, personally, hate resolutions. It is usually something we do and are really great about it for a couple weeks. Then it's "finito" to that resolution.
Therefor, the year of 2016 will be the year of the un-resolutions for me.
1. I will not be giving up coffee. Like... at all.
2. I will not stop posting pictures of my miracle children.
3. I will not expect to ever have perfect family photos.
I think the above picture says it all.
4. I refuse to give up monthly date nights with my main-squeeze.
5. I won't be expressing my desire to limit my social media time.
Many days, the only adult interaction I get is via social media- mainly my fellow 2015 triplet mom group on Facebook. Besides, I have too much fun creating photo collages.
I could probably make this list a great deal longer, but I think you get the idea.
What's your Un-Resolution?
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