Six Month Update
We are a week past the triplets' six month birthday. I sometimes don't believe that these chunky babies were born five weeks premature.
(Henry looks ginormous in the above picture, but he's actually not much bigger than Beckett. This photo is deceiving!)
I can now give an official Six Month Update since we visited their pediatrician today.
Length: 26 inches (54 percentile)
# of teeth: 2, plus more coming in
~ doesn't think she needs to sleep
~loves her Baby Einstein exercauser (and just sitting up in general)
~ Aria is her best friend
~She likes making people laugh
weight: 19 pounds, 7 ounces (78 percentile)
height: 24 and 1/4 inches (74 percentile)
# of teeth: 2
~ loves food! Beckett especially loves how the frozen fruit feels on his teething gums in these mesh feeders that Santa brought.
~ the leader of the pack
~ the coolest dude ever
~ the serious one
weight: 19 pounds, 11 ounces (81 percentile)
height: 27 and 1/2 inches (80 percentile)
# of teeth: 2
~the flirt: Henry loves the ladies; however, men seem to scare him and make him cry.
~ the most laid back, easy going of the triplets
~ loves sleep
Our Daily Schedule:
6:00 AM: Aria and I wake up/coffee for me/Mickey Mouse for Aria
7:00ish: triplets wake/bottles/diaper change/play
8:30: food experimenting (there's nothing they don't like!)
9:30: morning nap (30-90 minutes)
12:30: all four kids nap (hopefully)
3:00 PM: bottles/play
5:30 PM: evening power nap
7:00 bottles/bath/PJs
8:00 PM: all kiddos in bed
Triplet momma:
~ almost done with physical therapy (hollerrrrrrr!)
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