Ready, Set, Scanned

Just a quick update for y'all- I'm too exhausted to write much!

Livi and Henry were scanned for their helmets today. (You may remember, Beckett is fine and doesn't need one.)

The appointment took a couple of hours. They were measured and scanned with a 3D scanner. Both babies sat through this like champs. I'm blessed to have such sweet little kids.

Henry thought the guy was just hysterical.

Livi was getting tired by the time it was her turn, but she powered through.

I was surprised to learn that Livi and Henry are equal in the amount of "cranial vault asymmetry", or what Levi and I call "Level of messed-up-ness." Livi's head looks more flattened out to us, but because her head is smaller, it looks worse to the naked eye.

A fellow triplet mom recommended this website so we can bling out the helmets! I'm excited to look through our options to get the helmets decorated. They will be getting their helmets next week! I'm eager to get them started!

Like I stated earlier, I'm one exhausted momma, so I'm signing off.

Have a good one!


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