Hip-Hip Hooray! It's Helmet Day!

You can probably tell by today's blog title that I'm excited the day has come that we get to take helmets home.

The sooner Livi and Henry get started, the sooner they will be done wearing them.

We were promised that no other appointments would take as long as today's 3 hour appointment. Each baby took turns trying on their helmet made especially for them,

then the doctor would go make adjustments as needed. 

Neither Henry nor Livi seemed to mind all the helmet activity on their heads.

Hopefully this attitude will remain the same, especially once they start sleeping with the helmets on at night.

We have a schedule to follow, which will ease these little two into the cranial molds slowly. Livi was really interested in looking over and approving this timeline herself.

So, how do these helmets work? Is it really necessary? Won't it bug the heck out of them? How long will they have to wear them?

Many people think of the baby's head as clay being molded by the helmet, but that's not the case. As the baby's head grows, the helmet will direct the growth to go in a certain direction- the correct direction. Therefor, if Livi or Henry have a growth spurt and their head grows a great deal in the next few weeks, their head shape could be corrected in a matter of a month's time. This isn't always the case, and we are prepared for it to take up to six months.

Every baby is different, but the helmet probably won't be a big deal to either one of them.

I am starting "Day One" tomorrow because Miss Livi sure is a fussy girl from her nap schedule being thrown off.  This means the two of them will be wearing them one hour on, one hour off until bed time when we take them off until the next day. By day 7, they will be wearing the helmets 23 hours a day.

Wish us luck!

And- by the way- Go Chiefs! Beat those Patriots in the Playoffs this weekend!

Union Station today


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