Lots of Play Time Today

The day flew by today!

Aria was awake for several hours, so we got to have mommy-daughter time.

We did some stretches...

all while watching Baby Einstein on Youtube.

Aria's favorite direction to turn her head is to the right, so I'm trying to work on getting her head to look the other direction once in a while.

We all know Aria is not a fan of tummy time, but I still try!

During play mat time, I talked about the colors of the worm, and I also used Spanish words for the colors. Google Translate helped me out with this.

Before Aria fell asleep for her afternoon nap, we discovered that she's growing out of a pair of her newborn-sized pants! Yay for growing!

Levi made an amazing dinner,

I had an amazing Corona Light,

and made amazing brownies.

Oh, how I have missed licking the brownie batter!

We ended the night with watching Lion King. A great day indeed!


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