Stuff, Stuff, Stuff

It's official. Aria's stuff is taking over.

Foosball table above: Colbin's Red Racks thrift store find

I don't even mind it. Actually, I kinda like it.

We decided to move the coffee table out of the living room. It got to the point where I felt like I was roaming around in a maze just to get past Levi's reclining position to find my own seat.

Other changes at Aria's 6.5 weeks of age: packing up baby stuff we no longer use. It saddens me that there are already things we no longer need for our daughter, but it is so.

The system I have started is to put newborn clothes in newborn diaper boxes, 0-3 month clothes in size 1 diaper boxes, and so on.

Colbin and Aria visited Mimi's on this rainy day. My niece was also around to keep Colbin entertained. They both told me they could watch Aria while Mimi and I ran errands, but Mimi and I voted against that idea. No one wants to be away from the baby.

Even Mimi's dogs, Milo and Otis love our little Aria.

With having a baby also comes having a lot of extra weight for many women. No surprise to me, I am one of those women. I have about 50 pounds to lose, but I am hoping I can lose closer to 60.

To do this, I started Weight Watchers online today. There will be more about this to come as I learn more about the new system.


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