Sunday Fun-day

Sunday was a busy day. It was our first day back to church with Aria. We had a great time showing her off and being proud parents.

After church, we stopped at my parents' house for lunch and baby-grandparent time.

Aria got more grandparent time when Levi's dad, stepmom and little sister came to visit the her.

Malloree and Aria

Aria was so exhausted from all the attention that she did not want to wake up for her 10 pm feeding or her 2 am feeding!

Grammy Becky also visited this weekend, bringing these adorable Nebraska/Chiefs- colored sandals her friend made for the baby.

The visitors didn't stop yesterday. My friend, Gail, also came today and she even brought gifts!

The rest of the day was pretty easy for Aria. Sleep is always a must throughout the day,

especially during and after a nice walk with Mommy.

The walk wore me out too- I slept for a good hour after dinner. All the fresh hour made me feel great, though!


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