Saying Goodbye, a Fitness Plan and a Run!

Today, Aria and I said goodbye to a former co-work, Rita North. She taught choir at the middle school for many years before my friend, Courtney took over for her about 3 years ago. Rita was a wonderful Christian who inspired many people, not just students.

"Well done, my good and faithful servant," said Jesus.

Aria was pretty good during the funeral. After about an hour, though she was bored and ready to go.

On a Happier Note:

I follow the blog of a friend (Racheal) of a friend (Kim) called Running with Racheal. I love reading this blog because we have so many things in common:
*beautiful baby girls
*Weight Watcher love
*our friend, Kim. :)

Something new on Racheal's blog is her weekly Food and Fitness Plan. Each week she posts her plan and encourages others to do the same. After a couple weeks of thinking to myself, "Yeah, I need to do that," I decided today is the day!

So here it goes...


Sunday: chili

Monday: turkey burger on salad

Tuesday: taco casserole

Wednesday: slow-cooker salsa chicken

Thursday: tuna on salad

Friday: out to eat

Saturday: home-made thin crust pizza


Sunday: 2.5 mile jog

Monday: 3 mile jog

Tuesday: 2 mile jog

Wednesday: off

Thursday: 3 mile jog

Friday: off

Saturday: long run: 4 miles (long run to me anyway!)

Tonight's run was amazing!

The last mile was in the dark- oopsie. I had the light of my cellphone reflecting out at least, but I promise to try not to do that anymore.

Have a great Tuesday, everyone!

(How I Got Through Three Miles Tonight)


  1. Um...I didn't know you had a blog! :) Your plan looks awesome. Thanks for linking up! :)


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