Thankful Thursday

Today I'm joining another blog link-up where fellow bloggers grab this pic and share what we're thankful for on Thursdays.

Today I'm thankful for:

  • toys that keep Aria entertained. She is now loving this Baby Einstein toy more because she is mastering the art of "jumping" up and down. 

  • Gus being almost 10 months-post cancer diagnosis and still going strong.

  • I'm thankful for fun, positive co-workers. We all know how to have fun, especially during Spirit Week!

  • family selfies. Isn't it cool what you can do with iPhones?

Wow, it's really easy to find things I'm thankful for. This list could go on and on, just from one day! But, I digress.

So until next time...


  1. Those jumping toys are priceless! Ina loves hers, but is starting to realize it keeps her contained, which she isn't very happy about lately. Ha! Have a good weekend and thanks for linking up! :)


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