
Showing posts from June, 2013

"In My Daughter's Eyes"

In my daughter's eyes I am a hero I am strong and wise And I know no fear But the truth is plain to see She was sent to rescue me I see who I want to be In my daughter's eyes In my daughter's eyes, Everyone is equal                             Darkness turns to light And the world is at peace This miracle God gave to me Gives me strength when I am weak I find reason to believe In my daughter's eyes And when she wraps her hand around my finger How it puts a smile in my heart Everything becomes a little clearer I realize what life is all about It's hanging on when your heart is had enough It's giving more when you feel like giving up I've seen the light It's in my daughter's eyes In my daughter's eyes I can see the future A reflection of who I am and what will be And though she'll grow and someday leave Maybe raise a family When I'm gone I hope you see How happy she made me For I'll be there In my daughter

In Reverse

Week 4 Weigh-In. Up 1 pound. Ugh. Weight Watcher s online told me this is a normal part of the process. But after just 4 weeks? Really? I'm supposed to review the week of what I ate, but I know the issue. 1. We went out to eat three  times this week. Each time, I ate as healthy as possible, but I guess you never really know what exactly the cooks put in the food without a nutritional menu. For example, Friday night, Levi and I had our first date night since before Aria was born. (Aria stayed with Grammy.) At the buffet, I ate a salad with lots of fruit and a little dressing (2 points) Then, I ate a plateful of crab. Crab is low fat/low points but now I realize that the crab was probably loaded in butter and other fatty oils. 2. I haven't exercised this week. After  last week's walk , I got a terrible foot ache. Maybe I tore a muscle in the arch of my foot? My shoes were so uncomfortable, but I pushed on for 40 minutes anyway, all the while telling mys

It's the Weekend and the Livin's Easy

There has been no walking or running since Wednesday. I seem to have pulled a muscle in my foot, which makes walking in general difficult. Not cool. Hopefully it gets better soon so Aria and I can hit the pavement again. Without a morning walk Friday, I decided to take Aria to the breastfeeding support group that Centerpoint Hospital has every Friday at 10 am. Taking her allowed me to weigh Aria socialize get out of the house Aria weighs in at 11 pounds, 6 oz. now!  Since Aria still hasn't met her great grandma and grandpa Gilmore, we took her out to Nevada, MO. Levi's dad, step-mom, and little sister live in Nevada also, so they took us to dinner at our favorite Mexican place, Iguana Azul. Levi's sister, Malloree With weight watchers, the best thing for me to order was the chicken/steak/shrimp fajitas and not eat the tortilla shells and rice. I even had great will power and didn't eat any chips. Unlike Levi, who ordered the Vote for Trina an

Dad's 60th birthday!

Wow, my dad is 60 years old and I think he looks great! Aria definitely agrees, as seen here: My dad was trying to get Aria to say her name. We think he was successful, what do you think? Aria dressed up for Papa Jay's special day in one of her favorite outfits. We were pretty excited for the evening after a full day of the usual.  Happy birthday, Dad!

A Blog About a Blog

A friend on Facebook  recommended a daily devotion blog. Since I have a fabulous new iPhone 5, it is so easy for me to now follow blogs and do other fun things with different apps. What I discovered is that " She Reads Truth " is an excellent blog for women to follow. The blog divides up different sections of the Bible to help you dig in deeper to the Word. Begin by creating a free account on YouVersion. (I downloaded the app on my phone). There is a short and simple explanation of the steps to take to get started here . She Reads Truth  is an online community for women to read, discuss, and grow with their daily devotions. For the next 8 days, the community will be digging into 2 Peter 1. I'm excited about this plan. Lately I have feel like my relationship with God has become lazy. I have wanted something to help draw me back into my daily "talk time" with Him, but with a new baby I have let myself use the excuse of distraction. With this blog and app,

Wakey, Wakey!

As I posted on Facebook this morning, Aria truly slept through the night! She fell asleep around 8:00 last night and woke up at 5:15. I actually woke up before her, at 5:00. Since she was in the same position she was in when Levi laid her down last night, both arms above her head, my first thought was to check that she was breathing! I know, silly me. After a night of uninterrupted sleep, I felt great, so we took a walk.  Usually on walks, Aria gets bored and fussy, but not today. I hung several toys in her stroller to keep her occupied. I only heard her let out one little wimper, as if she was letting me know she was about to fall asleep, and she was out for the majority of the walk.  As soon as we got home, she woke up and was ready to play.  Aria made a new friend, too! Levi's cousin, Angie, stopped in with her beautiful daughter Eden to get a break from her long drive to visit family in Arkansas.  The rest of the day, Aria was pretty fussy