In Reverse

Week 4 Weigh-In.

Up 1 pound.


Weight Watchers online told me this is a normal part of the process. But after just 4 weeks? Really? I'm supposed to review the week of what I ate, but I know the issue.

1. We went out to eat three times this week. Each time, I ate as healthy as possible, but I guess you never really know what exactly the cooks put in the food without a nutritional menu.

For example, Friday night, Levi and I had our first date night since before Aria was born. (Aria stayed with Grammy.)

At the buffet, I ate a salad with lots of fruit and a little dressing (2 points) Then, I ate a plateful of crab. Crab is low fat/low points but now I realize that the crab was probably loaded in butter and other fatty oils.

2. I haven't exercised this week. After last week's walk, I got a terrible foot ache. Maybe I tore a muscle in the arch of my foot? My shoes were so uncomfortable, but I pushed on for 40 minutes anyway, all the while telling myself it's time for new shoes.

I went to Garry Gribble's yesterday to get those new shoes. To my surprise, since having Aria my foot has grown a whole size and gotten wider. (This is normal and happens to many women during pregnancy, unfortunately.) My new size is 11.5 wide. This is not an easy find. The nice man at Garry Gribble's had to special order me a pair of Nike Pegasus running shoes. Two weeks until they're in. That means 2 more weeks of no walking. Big sigh.

Weight gain and bigger feet that are hard to find shoes for. All in all, it doesn't matter because this

ia totally worth it!


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