First Week Success

When Aria woke up at 4 AM yesterday, I picked her up and cuddled with her to see if she'd go back to sleep. This worked until about 5 AM when I was wide awake and ready to get up, but more importantly, ready to get up to weigh myself.

One week ago, I started Weight Watchers Online. With my first week, I lost 4.2 pounds! Of course I'm thrilled with this, but even with such a great success in my first week, I started thinking about that big number looking back at me on the scale. "You can't think about that number", I told myself. "Only think about that 4.2!"

On today's front, Aria slept in her carseat just long enough for me to go to the store,

and stayed asleep for just barely long enough for me to start tonight's dinner. I'm trying my first slow cooker meal since starting Weight Watchers. (And my first time "cooking" in a long time, might I add?) This is the recipe I found on Pinterest.

So far it smells incredible. I'll post how it tasted tomorrow.

Last night, Aria got pretty close to sleeping through the night. We put her to bed around 9 pm. At 4 am, she woke me up, but she really just wanted her pacifier back in her mouth. I was wide awake and tried to go back to sleep. That didn't happen, but Aria went back to sleep until 5:15! She wasn't up for long after that, though.

I continue to let her practice being in her crib. I know someday we'll move her there, but I'm not quite ready yet.

Aria was in a pretty good mood today. We did lots of fun things together. Reading was one of them, of course.

Even though she doesn't pay much attention to actually looking at the book yet, I know Aria watching me read and hearing me tell the story is important for her to begin building her reading skills and love for reading.

Next up was the play mat. This is another daily must-do.

Aria has begun to loosen up her fists and start grabbing for things. Getting practice with reaching for those colorful chains just makes her day!

Mommy had to also replace the bouncy seat's batteries. The day is not fun for anyone if Aria's bouncy seat doesn't work.

Once I fixed that, we were ready to roll! I was now free to do some laundry while Aria kept herself happy and busy in the chair, all the while sucking on her hand.

Now, if she could just figure out how to do that at night instead of waking up crying for her pacifier...

Question: Is it really possible to sleep with one eye open?


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