Wakey, Wakey!

As I posted on Facebook this morning, Aria truly slept through the night!

She fell asleep around 8:00 last night and woke up at 5:15. I actually woke up before her, at 5:00. Since she was in the same position she was in when Levi laid her down last night, both arms above her head, my first thought was to check that she was breathing! I know, silly me.

After a night of uninterrupted sleep, I felt great, so we took a walk. 

Usually on walks, Aria gets bored and fussy, but not today. I hung several toys in her stroller to keep her occupied. I only heard her let out one little wimper, as if she was letting me know she was about to fall asleep, and she was out for the majority of the walk. 

As soon as we got home, she woke up and was ready to play. 

Aria made a new friend, too! Levi's cousin, Angie, stopped in with her beautiful daughter Eden to get a break from her long drive to visit family in Arkansas. 

The rest of the day, Aria was pretty fussy and just wanted to sleep and eat. This would have been a good day to get the baby carrier out of the car, but I guess I was too lazy to go get it. Maybe tomorrow. 


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