10 Things About Two Months

1. Smiles 
The last month, Aria has been all smiles. I get uber giddy every time she smiles at me.

She smiles the most when she is on her changing table. I laugh, sing, talk, and tell stories to her while I'm changing her diaper and clothes. Aria loves the time together and shows me with lots of smiles and laughter.

2. Play Time
Aria kicks, kicks, kicks when she plays. Her Baby Einstein Neptune play mat keeps her busy for about 10-20 minutes. Her favorite part about it is the dancing lights that plays music.

We've also discovered how much Aria loves the mobile in her crib. While she's not sleeping in there yet, sometimes I put her in there to hang out while I'm doing things around the house.

My husband got me an amazing video monitor for her room. The best part about it is that I can clip it to my jeans and move around the house with it.

3. Reading Time
Aria and I have reading time every day in the rocking chair in her room.

I try to get through at least two books before her attention span goes ca-put and she gets fussy.

I love story time because we get to bond even more. Her beautiful blue eyes stare at my facial expressions while I tell her stories.

4. Nap Time
The best naps are when Aria sleeps on my chest. She's so cute and peaceful.

I've learned, though, nothing puts her to sleep and keeps her asleep quite like the baby carrier. When I'm standing and moving around with her, the motion keeps her asleep and happy!

5. Little Feet and Hands

Need I say anything else? :)

6. Crying
Even when she cries, she's adorable.

7. Playing Dress Up

Spit-up? No problem, I would love to change her and put her in a different outfit! 

Or just change for fun, spit-up or not.

8. Holding Up Her Own Head

Aria and Aunt Natalie at Grinders

One of Aria's latest milestones is holding up her own head. She loves to look all around the room in awe. 

9. Big Blue Eyes

10. Play Dates

While she's not so much old enough to interact with other babies, I still love the excuse to get together with friends and/or get to watch their babies for them!


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