Week Three Weigh-In

Weight Watchers update:
This week I lost 1.4 pounds, for a total of 6.2 pounds in three weeks. I would like to lose weight faster, but I know that losing weight slowly is the healthiest way because it helps me build long-term healthy eating habits and keep the weight off. As Weight Watchers says, "Quick fix, fast failure."

My favorite thing about Weight Watchers is that it teaches you to make healthier food selections. For example, fruit is 0 Points. That way, you'll want to reach for fresh cut watermelon instead of a low cal fudge bar. (This is what I used to do when I was on Weight Watchers years ago before they began the Points Plus program.)

My favorite snack to share with Levi
Aria news:

I'm noticing this week that, sadly, Aria is losing her hair. As many babies do, she is getting the ring-around receding hair line from how she lies down. 

She's still beautiful.

Sometimes as a mom of a 2 month old, you wonder if you're doing enough to bond with your baby. When Aria decided she was done on her play mat, but not wanting a nap or a bottle, I decided it was time to shake our booties.

I scooped Aria up and we moved around the kitchen to the music.

What were we groovin' to? Cajun music, baby!

After she just couldn't take the fun anymore, I put her down for a nap. I was glad for nap time because I was excited to get her toys we bought from Red Racks yesterday all cleaned up.

I washed what I could with soap and water, but I've learned the best way to clean just about anything is with hydrogen peroxide. There are a plethora of sites online that describe how hydrogen peroxide can be used. The best part is, it's non-toxic! 

Well, maybe that's the second best, with the first best being a large bottle of the stuff costs .88 at Wal-Mart.

The easiest way I've learned to clean with hydrogen peroxide is to pour some in a spray bottle.

I use on laundry, spit-up stains, you name it, hydrogen peroxide cleans it.

A day of dancing and playing makes a girl very happy,

but it's not long before she's exhausted and ready to fall asleep for the evening on Daddy.



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