A Birthday Weekend

We celebrated two birthdays this weekend. Friday night was birthday #1- Levi's sister, Mallorree. Sweet 16!


Colbin and our nephew, Gunner danced the night away.

The family time continued when we got to see Levi's dad, stepmom and Mallorree again the next day at our house for Colbin's birthday.

Papa and Nana gave him the thing he's wanted the most for months...

Yup. An electric guitar.

While Levi took Colbin and some friends to paintball,

I took the rest of the family shopping to my favorite store. (RedRacks).

I found all kinds of running attire for myself. 

Shopping, followed by cake and presents...

Even Aria got a present! Her great-granny made her another beautiful quilt. 

And the Saturday didn't stop there. We still had our annual haunted hayride to go to. 

All that wore baby girl out, for sure.

She slept through the night until 6:30. And it was my night to get up with her. Good girl.

As always, we wrapped up the weekend with church Sunday morning.

Then a visit with more grandparents, Mimi Mindy and Grandpa Jay. We ate, played with Aria and Grandpa Jay showed Colbin a few things on playing guitar.

It was a great, jam-packed weekend. Now I am mentally gearing myself up for the dreaded week of work with parent-teacher conferences and 13 hour days. It will be so hard to be away from Aria that long those two days, so please pray for this momma. 


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