Laid Back Weekend

 My blogs have been few and far between lately. While Aria isn't crawling yet, she has learned that rolling a useful mode of transportation. She can get from one side of the living room to the other in 4 seconds flat. It may be time to put the baby gates up. 

 Aria is also saying "Mama" and "Baba", with "Baba" being her favorite. When she gets upset, she does more "Ba ba ba b b b b b ba" than she does crying. Or, she will just vibrate her lips and spit everywhere. It's pretty stinking cute. 

The weekend went too fast. After going out for Mexican Friday night

we spent a couple hours shopping at Walmart. Seriously, I know you're jealous! I was mainly on the look-out for clothing supplies for Aria now that the temperatures are cooling off (socks, tights, etc.) Those things came after I found myself a reflector to put around my arm while I run as dusk. Levi thought I should have got this vest instead:

Um, no.

Speaking of running, I ran a fabulous five miles yesterday. 

I spoiled Aria rotten when I took her shopping after my run. She didn't mind. Saturday was wrapped up with game night and a visit from the Milligans.

And it just isn't Sunday without Aria napping all over the place.

(Notice she's wearing socks that stay on her feet!)

The sleepy baby strikes again: she's been asleep on my chest for almost 2 hours now. I love when she's a great sleeper. It gives me time to blog and an excuse to not do chores.


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