Baby Bonfire

Is the weekend really over?

Friday night Aria got to experience her first bonfire.

Levi is trying to rid our yard of some plywood that we will never use. Plus it's a great excuse to invite over some fellow P-Hill friends, Candice and Adam.

Saturday we watched Colbin's football team lose. Aria slept through some of it. I mainly just got a raccoon-face sunburn.

Today after church,


I pulled Levi away from the couch and the Chiefs game to go to Aria's 6 month photo shoot. This time I actually hired someone to do her pictures. Aria was such a good girl. She was happy and smiled a lot, until about the last five minutes of the photo shoot when she started to get sleepy. I'll post what I can of those pictures, of course, when I get them in a couple of weeks. 

Can you stand the anticipation? Me neither.

Here's a sneak peek! 

I haven't posted about Weight Watchers in a while. I quit paying for Weight Watchers and have been doing it on my own. There are several apps out there that you can download for free that help you do it all without paying for Weight Watchers!

This week, I lost 3 pounds! Last week was a 2.8 pound loss. It took a few weeks, but the running is definitely helping me out.

This is what my family does while I go for runs:

And here's my running plan for the week:

Never underestimate the power of a goal!

(Sometimes I just like throwing in random pictures for giggles.)

I hope everyone has a great week!


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