Thankful Thursday: 4 Week Check-Up
Now that Levi is done with his "paternity leave", I am home on my own this week. I am thankful he had two weeks vacation time to use to help out and to bond with our newborns. Last week, I had a practice run of being on my own. Levi and Colbin went out together to run errands, go to the dentist, etc. and were gone half a day. They also spent a lot of time outside with Aria. I have to say, being on my own was a success! I'm thankful I didn't have triplets my first pregnancy because I don't think I would have been as calm about it as I am now. I do have some helpers dropping in here and there, but for the most part handling three babies and a two year old on my own isn't too crazy yet. Our routine keeps me sane and it keeps the kids sane too. I am thankful we have parents close by to help out. My mother-in-law took the first shift of helping me get the babies to their 4 week check-up today. I am thankful for beautiful, healthy babies. ...