Movin' on Up!

The first thing we saw when we walked into Livi's room for our NICU visit this morning was this beautiful site:

On day #10 of the NICU stay, Livi is now out of her incubator and in a crib!


To be able to move from an incubator to a crib, the babies have to maintain a certain body temperature. Livi kept falling about a half a degree under what she needed to be- until this morning!

 We are so proud of Livi. This means she could be coming home Tuesday or Wednesday!

Towards the end of me feeding Livi, our nurse wheeled Beckett down in a crib too!


The nurses left Beckett's incubator in his room for the day, just in case. If he stays on course, though he could be coming home the same day as Livi!

Henry isn't too far behind. He is getting there.

Today's weights:

We are trying to keep home life as "normal" as possible for Aria. We are hoping the transition of babies coming home will go smoothly with her. So far, she gets excited about going to see the babies at the NICU and adores all three of them. She always wants to kiss them on the head and love on them gently.

I think she is making a great big sister!


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